October 18, 2024

A portable tool called an intraoral scanner is used in dentistry to take digital impressions. For any dental business that prioritizes customer satisfaction and effective operations, this gadget has truly become indispensable.

Read More: intraoral scanners manufacturer

So what is the purpose of an intraoral scanner and how can you use one to improve your dental practice?

What is an intraoral scanner?

A device called an intraoral scanner is used to take a digital imprint, which is a very precise 3D representation of your patient’s dentition. Along with some further advantages, digital impressions may be used for all the same purposes as traditional impressions. These are the top 6 justifications for purchasing an intraoral scanner for your clinic.

1. The patient’s experience: Polyvinyl imprints vs intraoral scanners

Patients may experience significant discomfort from traditional dental impressions due to a variety of factors, including tray size, impression substance taste, and anxiety about choking or gagging. It seems sense that patients like the digital impression method.1.

Using an intraoral scanner not only makes the patient experience more comfortable, but it also allows you to replace your physical impressions with digital scans that save time and money.

2. Patient instruction and acceptance of therapy

Instead of telling your patients where their issue areas are and what needs to be done, use that digital image to demonstrate. Patients may be more receptive to receiving treatment for an issue they can personally observe, in addition to the fact that high-tech procedures may be really amazing!

3. Real-time intraoral scanning can decrease retakes and increase accuracy.

Keep in mind that since your intraoral scan is being recorded in real time, you may see gaps or holes that signify information being overlooked during scanning. Certain intraoral scanners go beyond feedback by offering scan guidance and cautions. Some even use AI to eliminate extraneous material or close gaps in their knowledge.

If you have a good impression, you should actually be able to tell before the patient leaves the chair with the correct tools, training, and skill. This can lead to fewer retakes and patient recalls.

As an added advantage, you can transmit the digital file to your lab with only a click, eliminating any need to worry about your impression getting ruined on the way there!

4. Quick response time

Your patients will love you even more since you can transmit the scan files to your lab immediately rather than shipping a physical imprint, which can cut down on turnaround time by several days.

Furthermore, in the event that your lab is able to give you immediate feedback, you will be able to address any necessary modifications while your patient remains seated.

5. Very little waste

In comparison to the quantity of material required to take an alginate imprint, intraoral scans produce relatively little waste.2. You can save money and contribute to sustainability by doing this.

6. Utilize social media to draw in more patients

By using social media to promote your digital practice, you may gain credibility, gain patients’ confidence, and eventually pique their interest in seeing you.

Actually, a peer-reviewed study discovered that the patient’s opinion of the care they received was much influenced by the kind of impression they were given, with digital impressions being the method of choice.1.

Intraoral scanners are only logical.

Compared to conventional impressions, intraoral scanning provides patients with more comfort, expedites procedures, increases accuracy, and fosters confidence.

For dental practitioners who aspire to perform dentistry at the highest caliber, intraoral scanners have become an obvious choice.

What advantages can intraoral scanning offer?

While clear aligners have been around for a while in the West, their usage in India is relatively new. The following are a few advantages of intraoral scanning:

– Reliable virtual impressions

– Quick and cozy maintenance

– No need for bodily impressions

– Less time away from your regular schedule

– No disarray

Orthodontics has undergone a revolution with the use of aligners, which would not have been conceivable without the sophisticated intraoral scanning technology. An Indian company called Flash Aligners provides excellent aligner therapy at the most competitive cost. They provide you with best-in-class aligners using the highly regarded TRIOS intraoral scanners.

What role does intraoral scanning have in the use of aligners?

Getting an intraoral scan, or computerized 3-D scan of your mouth and teeth, is the first step in receiving aligner therapy. Using state-of-the-art computer software, the orthodontist can map out your teeth’s position and show you what it will look like with the aligners in place. Your 3D scan will be analyzed, and the aligners will be made. Subsequently, the lab receives the images and prints the aligners. The orthodontist will mail you the aligners after they are printed. And voilĂ ! You can start wearing your aligners as your orthodontist instructs.

Every tooth aligner is made specifically for each patient since these aligners are really scans of your own mouth. Your teeth will be progressively moved into the desired position by these aligners. Although some discomfort is expected during the first few days, most patients say that these transparent aligners are less uncomfortable than conventional braces. Patients must wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day on average. Depending on the severity of the condition, the usual treatment period varies from 6 to 18 months.