February 17, 2025

simply like your wedding stationery suite is more than simply your invitation, your wedding weekend is more than just the ceremony. A wedding invitation details card is a useful tool for providing your guests with important information beyond the date, time, and venue of your wedding. Additionally, a paper card is convenient for guests who are not as tech-savvy and is easy to refer to, even if it’s a good idea to provide useful information on your wedding website. Find out what this staple stationery set is, how to make one, and where to get one below. Get some professional advice from Meghan Carey, the principal of Meghan Carey Design and a 20+ year veteran stationery designer. “Couples are curating an experience to share with their guests,” Carey states. “By providing additional details in a thoughtful and gracious manner, couples are only enhancing that experience.”

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What is a card with wedding details?

A wedding details card is a tiny piece of stationery that is included with your wedding invitation set. It shows your guests pertinent information that isn’t usually included on your invitation. “The inserts that come with wedding invitations are called enclosure cards. These consist of information cards, reply cards, and reception cards, among others. According to Carey, a details card is a type of enclosure card. Your choice of what to include on a wedding information card might change based on your requirements. Because some guests might not think to check your wedding website or the back of your invitation, make sure that everything you truly want your guests to see is there and included on a details card. Feel free to mix and match components, but if you’re organizing a highly formal event, you might want to enter a separate card for each item.

“I’m seeing a lot of couples combining different categories of information on one component, like a tri-panel, z-fold with itinerary and parking information, or a map with a ferry or train schedule on the reverse,” Carey adds. “This enclosure provides an opportunity for the couple to show a little flair through cheeky wording, beautiful illustrations or unexpected design.”

Is the Wedding Details Card Placed in a Different Envelope?

Wedding information cards are not placed in a separate envelope from invitations; instead, they are placed in the same envelope. Stylish options to keep your information card visible to visitors include vellum envelopes, decorative paper clips, belly bands, and invitation wraps.

Size of Wedding Detail Card

What is the ideal size for your wedding information card? The size of your wedding information card should be comparable to that of your other wedding enclosure cards, and it should be smaller than your invitation. Wedding details cards are usually smaller than 5 by 4 inches, however many are 4.25 x 5.5 (A2 card size). Although they are frequently horizontal, a skilled wedding stationery designer may help you choose an orientation that works best for you. Your information cards will be precisely the right size for your invitations and other enclosures if you decide to buy your wedding stationery from The Invitations.

How to Create a Card with Wedding Details

If you have the funds, it’s usually a good idea to work directly with a stationery designer to create a wedding details card since they will offer a genuinely personalized experience. (Carey herself creates a unique stationery style for each pair she works with using a unique “aesthetic positioning” exercise.) However, you may simply alter a wedding information card template from The Invitations to fit your stationery if you’re willing to give it a try. Here’s how:

From the Wedding Enclosure Cards page, pick a design for your wedding details card.

Sort by photo capabilities, pricing, style, and more.

Choose a color scheme, paper type, and quantity when you’ve found a design you like, then click “personalize.”

You may now change text boxes, add and remove them, add photographs, change the font, and even include a QR code for your wedding. After experimenting with your design components, complete the pertinent information on your card.

Verify the spelling and punctuation of your writing several times, if possible. When you’re satisfied with your stationery, click “Save,” then “Review,” and finally “Add to cart & check out”.